White Dresses For Every Occasion

White Dresses For Every Occasion
For the transformational events in your life, a white dress is the perfect choice - signaling change, a transition to the next chapter of your story, and new beginnings. A timeless look for every occasion: graduation, bachelorette parties, and rehearsal dinners all call for a white dress that represents your personal style and aesthetic. The Altar’d State style panel curated their favorite pieces for the events that mean the most to you:
White Dresses for Spring Photos
A white dress is a perfect choice for your engagement, graduation, or family photos. It brings a timeless, classic feel to your outfit for pictures that will be admired for years to come! Here are our picks for dresses that would look beautiful on camera:
White Dresses for Graduation
It’s time to walk across the stage to celebrate your hard work and dedication - and your sense of style. When choosing a white dress to wear under your gown, we suggest opting for a shorter piece so as not to clash with your gown - once you accept your diploma, it’s time to show it off:
White Dresses for Bridal Showers
Falling in love is easy, with dresses as stunning as these. The shower is just the first in a series of bridal events that you’ll need to style, and these are just a few of our top picks for your special day:
White Dresses for Bachelorette
Time to grab your girls and have some fun - we’re going for mini dresses with big bows and delicately dotted rompers for the late nights, bright lights, and excitement that will ensue: